News Letter – Latest Post

  • Strategic Planning Session

    The Department of Community Safety is conducting a Strategic Planning Session at ICC Hotel in East London. The purpose of the engagement is to reflect on Political and Administrative directives for the five-year plan, to receive expectations from stakeholders and to receive update on the organizational review process.

    MEC Xolile Nqatha joined the Session to present a political overview of the proceedings.


    MEC for Community Safety Xolile Nqatha held a Community Safety,on 2nd May 2024 at Godidi Centane

    The MEC and his delegation started with school visits to Macibe Junior Secondary School and Senior Secondary School ,where he donated school shoes and shoes and sanitary towels ,He then spoke about the importance of studying and being resilient.

    “staying true to yourself and values determines the future you want to create”

    The Delegation then proceeded to Kwatyhali komkhulu in Godidi Administrative area ,the residents came out in numbers to honour this invitation .The Community Mebers voiced out some positive feedback regarding the State roads in some parts of the area,following requests that they had made.

  • Alfred Nzo Census

    on 20 October 2023 , Alfred Nzo District Manager Mr Mqinyana held a census engagement and Safety Month preparatory session alongside with members from South African Police Service and Local Municipality, at the Courtyard Hotel in Matatiele.The aim of the session was to give feedback and a general overview of the perfomance of Police Stations within district in compliance with the legislation

    The Department of Community Safety mission is to”build dsafer communities through effective civilian oversight over the police service and to forge partnerships” The Department gave feedback on the findings and further gave erecommendations on how to improve service delivery in Police order to mantain safety and order in communities.

    All Police stations were present and welcomed the recommendations, while committing that they will work together with the Department in ensuring that they work effectively.

  • Strategic Planning Session

    The Department of Community Safety, led by MEC Xolile Nqatha held a 3 day Strategic Planning Session from 19 September to 21 September 2023, at the Summit Lifestyle, East London.

    The purpose of this session was to receive update on the organization review process, reflect on political and administrative directives for the FY 2023/25 and to receive expectations from stakeholders. Present were stakeholders from The Office of the Premier, South African Police Service (SAPS),

    The MEC spoke on democracy which has afforded us an opportunity to sit at gatherings such as these. To put plans and strategies in place to fight crime in our Province and country. He also spoke on the high level of lawlessness in the

    province and the importance for strengthening our oversight role.


  • Policing Accountability Engagement in Chris Hani

    on the 15 of August 2023, the Department of Community Safety through Chris Hani District held Policing Accountability engagement session at Tylden, Queenstown. The aim of the programme was to grant community an opportunity to engage with stakeholders and come up with solutions to address the act of criminal activities in the area.

    The stakeholders that graced the programme with their presence were the Department of Community Safety, South African Police Services, Department of Correctional Services, Department of Social Development and Farmers association.

    The community members raised issues of stock theft, domestic violence, drug abuse assault and murder in the community. The Department of Social Development was urged to intervene and provide their services to the victims of the committed crimes.

    The Department of Community Safet Chris Hani District Manager Mr Sizwe Sikwebu encouraged the community of Tylden to work hand in hand with the police and report perpetrators of criminal activities.

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